
Teachers Brian and Elise Stenberg share how the Lord closed doors and opened others, leading them and their three daughters to Northwest Christian 学校.

Brian and Elise Stenberg began their early married years in Spokane working as physical therapy aides. They met at Whitworth where they graduated with degrees in athletic training and kinesiology. “As a physical therapy aide, I worked with a lot of high school athletes,” Brian says. “It was during this time that I realized I wanted to work with kids.”

斯坦伯格一家搬到了蒙茅斯, Oregon so Brian could get his master’s at Western Oregon University. 他的第一份教学工作是在马德拉斯的一所中学. 伊莉斯也拿到了硕士学位,他们搬到了胡德河. For the next six years they both taught in the public school district. Their family also grew, with daughters Ella, Tinley, and Piper joining the team.

“During our time in Hood River we felt like God was closing a chapter,伊莉斯说. “We had a desire to teach internationally, so we began to pursue it.”

2020年10月,斯坦伯格夫妇迈出了信心的一步, 卖掉他们的房子,搬去和布莱恩的父母住. “We were hopeful things would work for us to teach internationally, but doors just kept closing.”

在21年的春末, they heard about a position at Northwest Christian 学校, 在雪松校区任教. 伊莉斯决定去面试, 他们的家庭口号变成了, “西班牙或者斯波坎,他们就等候耶和华.

By God’s goodness, Elise was hired to teach 3rd grade at Cedar. 但除非他们都有工作,否则他们不能搬家.

“We were amazed and so grateful when the Lord provided a position for Brian teaching 6th grade on the 科尔伯特校园,伊莉斯说.

“So, over the summer we moved back to Spokane, and we absolutely love it here!”

“We feel like we’re right where we’re supposed to be, and it’s been a breath of fresh air. 不仅是为了我们,也是为了女孩们. 这对他们来说是一个惊人的转变.”

The Stenberg’s joined the NWCS family this academic year, Elise在Cedar教三年级, 布莱恩在科尔伯特教六年级, 和艾拉, Tinley, 派珀排在第五, 1st, 和科尔伯特学前班.

“这是我们第一次感到安定下来,”布莱恩说. “我们都处于最佳状态. 我们觉得可以开始了. 我不相信这种事会发生在别的地方.”

Seven-year-old Tinley says she was nervous about being a first grader in a new school. 现在她说她喜欢体育、阅读和她所有的朋友.

Her big sister, Ella, 11, said she was “excited” to start a new school. Ella likes math, choir, and Minecraft Education, a digital learning platform.

Five-year-old preschooler Piper loves quiet time, reading, art, and movies. 三个女孩都喜欢读 草原上的小房子 睡前和爸爸一起看电视.

Ella and Tinley took advantage of the NWCS elementary athletics program, 参加秋季的越野比赛. “它差点要了我的命,”艾拉笑着说. 目前,廷利是一年级足球队的队员. “We play games, and we practice, and we warm up,” she says. She thinks the best part is her coach, who also happens to be her Daddy.

斯坦伯格家的女孩也会跆拳道. 他们住在胡德河的时候就开始了. “这是一个Covid生存活动,”Elise说. Ella is the only one who has continued now that they live in Spokane. She’s currently a white belt and will soon test for green.

爸爸妈妈在两个不同的学校教书, what does a typical morning look like in the Stenberg household? “我们分而治之,”布莱恩说. “Elise and I are up first, after quiet time and devotions we get the girls up. 有时这需要一段时间. Once everyone is dressed and fed, the girls go with me, and we leave by 7:10. 伊莉斯的通勤时间较短,所以她在7:20左右离开. And then of course there’s Milo, our miniature Schnauzer puppy. 我们不能忘记照顾他.”

When asked to sum up their first year at NWCS Brian and Elise say, “People here care, top to bottom. 这是一个很棒的社区!”

布莱恩补充说:“我的原因是耶稣. 我要在西北基督教徒那里活出来. 我可以对我的学生直言不讳地表达我的信仰.”

作为一名教师, I love that I have the ability to be Christ-centered in the classroom in a tangible way.伊莉斯说. “每个人都有自己要处理的事情. We get to approach it from a Christ-centered perspective, and this makes all the difference.


This story is an excerpt from the Spring 2022 issue of the NWCS 通讯. Would you like to receive a copy of the newsletter directly to your inbox? 



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